The SURREY CLASSIC VEHICLE CLUB was formed in November 1996 by a group of classic vehicle enthusiasts.
The main aim of the club is to bring together the owners, families and enthusiasts of classic vehicles that befit the image of the club*. This is done by arranging car shows as well as social events.
In addition to production cars, the club caters for the owners and enthusiasts of classic kit cars, replicas and specials, and motorcycles.
The management of the club is performed by a committee of volunteers who stand for re-election every year.
As well as car shows, the club organises various events and social gatherings throughout the year suitable for all the family - some of these being days out, Christmas events, BBQ's and the annual 'Drive Your Classic' day. And whilst the club encourages members to participate in most of the clubs' activities, it also recognises that members may attend other car shows throughout the season.
The Surrey Classic Vehicle Club gives classic car owners an outlet for the use of their vehicles by organising events in and around the Surrey area with like-minded enthusiasts.
As the club caters for all marques, there is a diverse collection of vehicles on offer and with this diversity brings high camaraderie.
The on-line club magazine is published monthly with the club update and the club encourages members to submit articles and photographs, however diverse! In this way the magazine can publish a wide variety of articles, tips and information on different topics. In addition to the on-line magazine the monthly newsletter keeps club members informed of current events and last minute shows. The club also has a monthly 'Club Night' which is normally on the second Friday of the month.
*The Surrey Classic Vehicle Club prides itself on the quality and diversity of the vehicles its members display. The Club does not believe that date of manufacture is the only factor that makes a vehicle a classic and it operates its membership selection within the 'spirit' of what is deemed to be a classic. Therefore, annual renewal of membership is by invite and the Club reserves the right to revoke membership should the vehicle, or vehicles, currently being displayed not fit with the image that the club wishes to project.
The club at times has a waiting list to join.

For information on joining the SURREY CLASSIC VEHICLE CLUB please email us.