The Surrey Classic Vehicle Club On-Line Magazine
September 2024
Classical Gas
It looks like Summer has gone! And even though it has gone, overall, I don't think it has been too bad. We had rain but there were some great days of sunshine and warmth. The club certainly took some great cars to shows, as witnessed by the public and other car enthusiasts. And, although the show season has now come to an end, there are still events happening before the end of 2024. We have the 'London to Brighton' lunch in early November and our Christmas Luncheon to look forward to.
The details for the London to Brighton luncheon at the Red Lion, Handcross will be released on 8/9 October, once we receive the winter menu.
​​​​Club members have been to a few shows in September; Edenbridge Motor Show, Dunkirk Little Ships, GUTS Motor Tour, Classics at Cobham, The 'End of Summer' SCVC Gathering.
Club Night will be on Friday 11th October. Traditionally, we don't bring classics out until April so I will not be asking the pub to open up the field. If you wish to eat, it's best to get there for around 6:30 pm. The meeting starts at 8:00 pm.
Lindsay Armstrong
Fairmile, Cobham
11th October from 6:30 pm
Please check the Update Information
From our Events Organisers
October UPDATE
And so, we enter that time of year when there is very little happening in the Classic Car Club calendar. But all is not lost as we still have a few items to look forward to, and not least Club Night on October 11th at The Fairmile.
Looking forward and into November we have the London to Brighton car run on November 3rd where we can sit in the warmth and comfort of the Red Lion pub in Handcross whilst the brave souls in their vintage cars go past. And for those keen folk, 2024 sees the inaugural staging of the St James’s Motoring Spectacle on Pall Mall in London the day before, (November 2nd). This free event will showcase many of the Veteran Car Run stars, and the present to the future on wheels - the perfect day's motoring for all the family. Pall Mall will be closed from 10am to 3pm and will be split into 4 zones:
Veteran Car Concours; with around 80 of the cars that will set off to Brighton on Sunday 3rd November.
An Educational Feature: that highlights the latest transportation breakthroughs.
Heritage Exhibits; showcasing a timeline of transportation history from horse drawn vehicles to modern vehicles (yes, even electric vehicles…….)
Innovation and Design; with fabulous supercars and hypercars – the modern-day equivalents of the cutting-edge technology the vehicles on the Veteran Car Run embodied when new.
With that, it’s time for our fun fact: There are around 1.2 billion cars in use around the world which, compared to the world’s population, equates to one car for every seven people on Earth. It’s estimated that this will increase to a staggering 2 billion by 2035. Looking closer to home though, at the end of March 2024, there were 41.4 million licensed vehicles in the UK, and data from the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) on 5th April 2024 showed that 42,120,966 people held a full UK driving licence. ENJOY !!!
Jeannie & Phil